Tamia of the Forest

By Jim Nies • Illustrated by Rachel Ball


WHEN HER SUMMER'S end daydreaming is interrupted by a red squirrel (Tamia),
young naturalist Joanna shifts her attention to the spritely forest dweller working diligently at ... what?

Joanna uses her imagination to find out, joining Tamia on an adventure that includes defending territory,
leaping through trees, and stocking a larder hoard in preparation for the upcoming change in season.

Detailed descriptions of environmental adaptation and the forest ecosystem are revealed through the eyes of a young girl who has imagined herself into the preparing for winter adventure of a red squirrel.

Join Joanna and Tamia on their adventure, and then bring your book outside to fill the blank field note pages with naturalist observations of your own!

Tamia of the Forest is the first book in the Science Story Books series, a collection of books about kids experiencing nature using ecological empathy.

Tamia of the Forest 

5.25 x 7.5, 40 pages, perfect-bound, with color cover and dynamic black and white illustrations by Canadian wildlife artist Rachel Ball on nearly every page. $7.95 plus $3 shipping.